Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coach's Take on Andragogy

I have become a proponent of andragogy.  Learning must be self-directed,  As a teacher, I must try to encourage
and nurture this approach.   In reading NEOMILLENNIAL USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN STRATEGIES: UTILIZING SOCIAL NETWORKING MEDIA TO SUPPORT “ALWAYS ON” LEARNING STYLES by DEREK E. BAIRD M.A. Yahoo, U.S.A., San Francisco, California and MERCEDES FISHER, PH.D. National College of Ireland, Dublin, I have learned that maxixmum cognitive development is based on the full social interaction of the student. Moreover, instruction is most effective when students engage in activities within a supportive learning environment and when they receive appropriate guidance that is mediated by tools.  As a result, students will increase their  range of skill.  Today, web-based and other technologies have given students and teachers the opportunity to achieve many of the benefits of social interactions in web-based learning environments.  As a student, I am new to the web based learning environment and I am beginning to see that with appropriate guidance, I will learn how to use web-based tools to become a more effective educator.

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